Twitter secret Navigation and Action keyword shortcuts for easy tweeting

The social-networking site twitter supports a wide range of keyboard shortcuts that, once mastered, can help you get
around the site much faster than any other sites for its users.

Try the following:

Navigation shortcuts

g h - Press this combination to go to the homepage from anywhere,
g p - This will take you to your profile
g m - This combination will open your inbox.
g c - Opens your list of interactions
g r - Displays tweets you're mentioned in.
g u - Lets you view a user's profile.
J - Moves you to the next tweet.
k - Moves you to the previous tweet.
. - Load more tweets.
Space - Page down.
? - Displays the full list of keyboard shortcuts.

Action Shortcuts

n - Compose a new tweet
m - Send a direct message to someone
f - Favourite a tweet. It needs to be open in a full page
t - Retweet an update. It needs to be open in a full page
r - Reply to a tweet. It needs to be open in a full page
b- Block user
u - Unblock user